Posterize 1

I want to start a movie poster series looking at the design and style of them. – This poster design of the gun has been done before but with typography. This version uses gun images instead.

Design Style Opening Movie Credits

Here are the opening credits to “Lincoln Lawyer”. Good movie. I liked the raw and old school style of the film, always nice to see. What I liked most was the design style of the opening credits. These days opening credits to movies have come a long way and these […]

X-Ray Photography

A very interesting take on photography. The best part is at the end of the video where you can see his gallery showing. Very very cool how he mixes the photography with the photographed object. Love it!

Pugs & Louis

So I have to post this. First of all, I am a proud pug owner and love them. Secondly, my Lady is a proud Louis Vuitton owner and loves them. And last but not least, thirdly, I am a proud Art Director and love this beautiful ad. Enough said.

More Than Meets the Eye

So just saw Transformers 3 in IMAX 3D. I think it was the best out of the 3 in regards to actions sequences and CG. It is a must see on the big screen for sure. Once again, like Tron, I do not really think that 3D is really necessary, […]

Tron Fun

Saw Tron Legacy at the IMAX in 3D and again it was as good as I was expecting, maybe a little better. First of all, I am always skeptical of a Disney movie, it tends to be more family oriented than I prefer. However, I did not get that as […]

Twisted Swan

So Black Swan was great, as I was expecting. Darren Aronofsky at his finest keeping to his style and feel, raw and dark (Pi & Requiem for a Dream). Nice to see a director sticking to his roots and not letting Hollywood influence him in the wrong ways. He really […]